registered nursing.

Our nursing team provides top-quality registered nursing care in the comfort of your own home. We strive to collaborate with your multidisciplinary team, involving everyone in communications to promote optimal health and well-being. This includes coordinating with your regular GP, other Allied Health professionals, and Support Coordinators (if applicable) to effectively manage your health-related needs and achieve meaningful outcomes.

How we can help.

Our team of caring and experienced professionals is dedicated to meeting your physical, emotional, and social needs. We offer person-centred home nursing care tailored to your unique well-being needs and life goals.

Our RN Therapy team can help with the following:

And much more (depending on the disability-related health supports required).

Our team of caring and experienced professionals is dedicated to meeting your physical, emotional, and social needs. We offer person-centred home nursing care tailored to your unique well-being needs and life goals.

Our RN Therapy team can help with the following:

And much more (depending on the disability-related health supports required).

Request an appointment.

    who we can support?

    At Therapy & Co., we provide comprehensive nursing services for individuals of all ages, from seniors who want to maintain their independence at home to caregivers seeking qualified nursing support for their loved ones. Our experienced Registered Nurse (RN) team offers flexible support options, including mobile and in-clinic services, to monitor and manage your health and well-being effectively. We believe in personalised care that meets your individual needs and life goals. Contact us today to learn how we can help improve your quality of life.

    Care, compassion & support when you need it.

    We can help you understand the funding options and what’s available to you. Our ndis approved allied health professionals work alongside each other, providing a united & holistic approach to therapeutic support. 

    trusted nursing support.
